covered bridge 3

In my last blog post, I wrote about making a quick trip to Pennsylvania to see my Amish friend Ruth (fictional name to protect her privacy). I first met Ruth when I was researching A Gift of Grace, the first in my Kauffman Amish Bakery Series.

Ruth lives on a dairy farm in Lancaster County and has seven children. She periodically hosts dinners for Englishers (non-Amish) as a way to make extra income. It gives Englishers an opportunity to experience an Amish home and meal. She invited me to attend a meal while I visited.

During the meal, Ruth served fruit salad, barbecue meatloaf, green beans from her garden, and homemade chicken and noodles. The meal was serve family style. For dessert, we served coffee, chocolate, and coffee flavored pudding. The food was delicious!

I asked her to send me her recipe for the meatloaf, and I thought I would share it in this blog post.

Ruth’s Barbecued Meatloaf


1 ½ lb. ground beef

Mix the following ingredients well and then add to ground beef and mix thoroughly:

  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ tsp. seasoned salt
  • 1 ½ tsp. chili powder
  • ¾ tsp. pepper


  • 1 cup ketchup
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp. dry mustard
  • 1 ½ tsp. vinegar

Mix toping ingredients and spread over meatloaf. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees



Amy Clipston
Amy Clipston has been writing for as long as she can remember. She has a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and is a member of the Authors Guild, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Romance Writers of America. She is the author of the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series and the Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel series with Zondervan, which is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Amy works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. She lives with her husband, two sons, mother, and four spoiled rotten cats.Readers can find Amy at, as well as on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @AmyClipston.

An Amish Second Christmas  -     By: Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller, Ruth Reid

Second Christmas is a time of family, fun and tradition in Amish Communities.  Come celebrate this special time with four heartwarming Amish romances by four best selling Amish romance authors:  Beth Wiseman, Ruth Reid, Kathleen Fuller and Tricia Goyer.

You can download and read the first three chapters of my novella, When Christmas Comes Again, at my website

An Amish Second Christmas

I hope you enjoy!

Peace and blessings,

Beth Wiseman



Recently I was able to make a quick trip to Pennsylvania to see my Amish friend Ruth (fictional name to protect her privacy). I first met Ruth when I was researching A Gift of Grace, the first in my Kauffman Amish Bakery Series.

Ruth lives on a dairy farm and has seven children. Our first encounter consisted with sitting in her kitchen for two hours and talking, and I found that she was soft-spoken, warm, and patient person I’d ever met. She never lost her patience with her children. And, since she has seven children, I was impressed. I have two boys, and I find myself constantly raising my voice. I knew when I met Ruth that I could learn to be a better person by following her example.

My friendship with Ruth has grown tremendously during the past five years. We’ve moved from occasional phone calls and visits to more regular calls. She and one of her daughters read my manuscripts and help me with the details and accuracy of my books.

During my most recent visit, Ruth invited me to come to a dinner that she was hosting in her home. Some Amish women host dinners for Englishers (non-Amish) as a way to make extra income. It gives Englishers an opportunity to experience an Amish home and meal. While I had visited Ruth many times, I had never had the opportunity to attend a meal like this.

There are approximately two dozen visitors who attended the meal. Ruth had a small table and also one long table set up in her kitchen. She invited the guests to come into the kitchen, and she asked me to sit at the head of the long table. Before the meal began, she said a prayer, thanking God for the beautiful day and the opportunity to host her new friends in her home.

She then began to serve the meal. Normally, Ruth hires two fifteen-year-old girls to help her since her daughters are busy working and her sons help with the farm. This evening her helpers were busy, so I did what I could assist her with her meal, which included fruit salad, barbecue meatloaf, green beans from her garden, and homemade chicken and noodles. The meal was serve family style. For dessert, we served coffee, chocolate, and coffee flavored pudding. The food was delicious!

After we ate, Ruth sat on a stool and asked the group where they were from. There were visitors from as close by as New Jersey and as far away as Europe. Ruth answered questions about the Amish culture, and she and her youngest daughter sang a beautiful song for us. She then led us in a verse of Amazing Grace.

I stayed after the guests had left and helped her wash dishes and clean up the kitchen. We talked about our families while we worked.

It was a blessing and an honor to experience a meal in Ruth’s home. I look forward to visiting Ruth again soon.

If you are able to visit Amish Country, I highly recommend that you have a meal in an Amish home. I’m certain you’ll have a wonderful time!


Amy Clipston


Amy Clipston
Amy Clipston has been writing for as long as she can remember. She has a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and is a member of the Authors Guild, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Romance Writers of America. She is the author of the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series and the Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel series with Zondervan, which is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Amy works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. She lives with her husband, two sons, mother, and four spoiled rotten cats. Readers can find Amy at, as well as on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @AmyClipston.

It’s always nice to have a little sweet treat on hand, especially if the grandchildren pay a last visit before school starts.


Peanut Blossoms

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup butter

2 eggs

1 cup peanut butter

1/4 cup milk

2 teaspoon vanilla

3 1/2 cup flour

2 teasponns baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

2 pkgs chocolate kisses or miniature peanut butter cups

Cream sugars, butter and peanut butter.  Beat in the eggs, milk, and vanila.  Stir in dry ingredients.  Shape into balls and roll in additional sugar.  Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes.  Immediately press a chocolate candy into each cookie.  Yield about 7 dozen.  

This recipe comes from The Wonder of Your Love, by Beth Wiseman (2011)

FYI, I’m busy working on my next Amish fiction full length novel.  It is due for release in June 2015, all things going as planned.  Sometimes life gets in the way of these writing deadlines and schedules, but I just wanted y’all to know that I haven’t abandoned my Amish fiction fans and there is more coming.  🙂



I don’t know about you, but I like a breakfast recipe that I can serve everyone at the same time.  I don’t like to be a short order cook, bringing out plates to the dining area one at a time, say with a fresh stack of pancakes.  This recipe will work well on a breakfast or brunch buffet, as well.  

Syrupy Pancake Bake


2 teaspoons water

1 cup packed light brown sugar

1/2 cup butter


Top Layer

1 egg

1 scant cup milk

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons butter, melted

1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder


1.  Bring syrup ingredients to a boil in small saucepan.  Pour into a 9 X 13 inch glass baking dish.      Set aside.

2.  In large mixing bowl, combine all top layer ingredients and beat well.  Pour over syrup.

3.  Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  


This recipe, compliments of an Amish friend, was previously published in An Amish Love by Beth Wiseman, Kathleen Fuller and Kelly Long, 2010.  

An Amish Love cover


Enjoy!  Let me know if you like it.


We are in the dog days of summer here in Texas. The temp regularly hovers near or above the 100 mark. It just so happens our a/c went out yesterday. 🙂 But no worries! The repairman is on the way.

During summer days I always wonder why I haven’t scheduled a research trip up north somewhere. The truth is that our yard and all the plants would die if we left, so we’re sort of anchored down for the duration. I suppose I’ll have to “visit” virtually until fall arrives. Today I thought I’d share a few of my favorite photos with you from time spent in cooler locations.


Horse and biggie–Shipshewana, IN

This was taken during my first visit to Shipshewana!



J. Favres–Shipshewana, IN

I was signing books at J. Favres and some of my Facebook friends showed up!


ACFW Conference

Here I am with some lovely ladies. You’ve probably read their books!

I hope that you’re having a wonderful summer!




Last Saturday I had the pleasure of speaking at the University City Regional Library. Not only was I able to meet a special reader, but I also enjoyed talking with an aspiring author. I enjoy speaking events because I am able to share the story of my husband’s kidney transplants and also my journey as a kidney donor.

On Monday, July 28, I am speaking at Rocky River Presbyterian Church, located at 7940 Rocky River Rd, Concord, NC 28025, at 7 p.m.  If you’re in the area, please stop by. I hope to see you there.

Below are photos from my event at the University City Library. I hope to see you at an event soon!


Amy Clipston

 Here I am posing during the presentation.



Amy Clipston2

Above I’m signing books after the presentation.


Amy Clipston3

My mom always comes to the events with me. I enjoy spending time with her and also taking her to lunch after the book signing.





Amy Clipston
Amy Clipston has been writing for as long as she can remember. She has a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and is a member of the Authors Guild, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Romance Writers of America. She is the author of the bestselling Kauffman Amish Bakery series and the Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel series with Zondervan, which is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Amy works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. She lives with her husband, two sons, mother, and four spoiled rotten cats. Readers can find Amy at, as well as on Facebook at: and on Twitter: @AmyClipston.



This week I had the thrill of finding out that my new book, A Mother’s Secret, made it to the ECPA bestseller list.  It has been quite a while since one my books have made it to this list, so I’m positively over the moon!




I’m so thrilled by all of the interest in A Mother’s Secret and excited to share a little preview of the next book in the series, A Dream of Home, which is coming in December. I recently finished the editing process for this book and I’d love to share a sneak peek!  Click here to view the cover and a few pages.

Thank you for reading!




Amy Clipston
Amy Clipston has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her fiction writing “career” began in elementary school when she and a close friend wrote and shared silly stories. She has a degree in communications from Virginia Wesleyan College and is a member of the Authors Guild, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Romance Writers of America. She is the author of the bestselling Kauffman Amish Baker  series with Zondervan, which is part of HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Amy works full-time for the City of Charlotte, NC. She lives with her husband, two sons, mother, and four spoiled rotten cats



Here in Texas, we’re coming to the end of home grown tomatoes.  It’s getting too hot for the plants to set fruit.  If you are lucky enough to have some beautiful ripe tomatoes, here’s a great way to serve them as a meatless main dish.  

Marian Petersheim’s Tomato Pie

1.  Mix until consistency is right to press into bottom of pie dish:

     2 cups Bisquick

     1/2 cup milk

2.  Slice 2 medium tomatoes and line the crust.

3.  Sprinkle evenly with:

     1 tsp basil

      1 tsp parsley flakes

     1/2 tsp thyme leaves

     1/2 tsp oregano

      1/2 tsp onion powder

      1 tsp brown sugar

      salt and pepper to taste

4.  Mix together and spread over tomatoes and spices:

     1 cup mayonnaise

     3/4 cup shredded American cheese

5.  Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes until golden brown.


Marian Petersheim is the mother of the main character, Leah, in the novella, A Change of Heart.  Leah tries to make this tomato pie for her friend, Aaron, because it’s his favorite, but poor Leah struggles with all domestic tasks. She messes up everything she tries to cook or sew.  Leah would much rather be writing inspirational stories, an endeavor her family and community feels is frivolous.

From A Change of Heart by Beth Wiseman, 2009,  


Phoebe, V's dog

Phoebe, V’s dog

Writing Amish Fiction

Sometimes readers ask me, “Was this story true? Did it actually happen?” You would think that would be a pretty easy question to answer, but not always. Parts of my stories are true. For example, in my Shipshewana Series, the quilt shop that Callie inherits is very much patterned after Lolly’s Fabrics. Have you been there? Once I stepped inside, I knew that it was the perfect setting for a story!

Other things, like the mystery which takes place, are completely fictional. For me, it’s a balance of rooting my stories in our actual lives, but then allowing my characters to have unusual and challenging things happen to them. Of course, the most important part of each of my stories is the focus on God’s grace–something available to each of us.

Leo, Vannetta's cat

Leo, Vannetta’s cat

For my newest mystery, Murder Simply Brewed, I borrowed a lot from my life. Amber drives a little red car (yes, I do), meets someone older than her who becomes a romantic interest (that’s my husband), and she has a hello cat named Leo (I happened to be cleaning out that cabinet and he jumped inside).

What surprises me is when something I’ve written about turns into FACT in my life. When I started writing Falling to Pieces, I knew that I had to give Callie a dog–she was so lost, without friends, and lonely. She needed the unconditional love of a pet, but of course she had no idea how to take care of one! Through the entire Shipshewana series, we see Callie mature in her faith, her relationships, and even her role as a pet-owner. At the end of writing those books, I was sad to say goodbye to everyone. Imagine my surprise when two years later, we received a call from a friend saying the animal shelter had a dog that we needed to go and take a look at. My husband and I had never owned a dog, though we both grew up with them. Our reasoning was that we travelled too much, and it wouldn’t be fair to a dog. One look at Phoebe, and there was no turning back though. We’ve learned to manage our travel and our dog (and cats) at the same time. And in my mind, she is exactly like Callie’s dog. I even put bandanas on her the way Callie did.

I am thankful each day, when I sit down at my computer, that God has allowed me to write the stories of my heart–incorporating facts, fiction, and God’s grace. And I want to thank each of you for taking the time to read them.

